Lord’s Day – January 12, 2025

Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.

  • *Call to Worship: Psalm 29:1-2
    *Prayer of Adoration and Invocation
    *Psalm of Praise: #29B Now unto Jehovah, Ye Sons of the Mighty
    Confession of Faith: The Apostles' Creed (p.851)
    Reading of the Law of God: Matthew 23:23-28
    Prayer of Confession and Repentance
    Reading of the Gospel of God:  1 Peter 2:9-10
    *Hymn of Assurance: #238 Lord, with Glowing Heart I’d Praise Thee
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Supplication
    Worship in Tithes and Offerings
    *Doxology and Prayer
    *Psalm of Preparation: #119F Let Your Mercy and Love
    Scripture Reading: Romans 4:1-12
    Sermon: David's Righteousness (Romans 4:4-8)
    *Hymn of Preparation: #205 Bread of the World in Mercy Broken
    Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
    Deacons’ Offering
    *Closing Hymn: #248 All Creatures of Our God and King (st. 5)

Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.

  • *Call to Worship: Psalm 100:1-5
    *Prayer of Adoration and Invocation
    *Psalm of Praise: #100B All People That on Earth Do Dwell
    Scripture Selection #28: Isaiah 53 (p. 1057)
    Westminster Larger Catechism #3-5, p.940
    *Psalm of the Month: #2A Why Do Heathen Nations Rage?
    Congregational Prayer
    *Psalm of Preparation: #119K My Soul for Your Salvation Yearns 
    Scripture Reading: Isaiah 52:1-12
    Sermon:  Your God Reigns (Isaiah 52:1-12)
    *Hymn of Response: #214 Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
  • *Call to Worship: Psalm 29:1-2
    *Prayer of Adoration and Invocation
    *Psalm of Praise: #29B Now unto Jehovah, Ye Sons of the Mighty
    Confession of Faith: The Apostles' Creed (p.851)
    Reading of the Law of God: Matthew 23:23-28
    Prayer of Confession and Repentance
    Reading of the Gospel of God:  1 Peter 2:9-10
    *Hymn of Assurance: #238 Lord, with Glowing Heart I’d Praise Thee
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Supplication
    Worship in Tithes and Offerings
    *Doxology and Prayer
    *Psalm of Preparation: #119F Let Your Mercy and Love
    Scripture Reading: Romans 4:1-12
    Sermon: David's Righteousness (Romans 4:4-8)
    *Hymn of Preparation: #205 Bread of the World in Mercy Broken
    Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
    Deacons’ Offering
    *Closing Hymn: #248 All Creatures of Our God and King (st. 5)
  • *Call to Worship: Psalm 100:1-5
    *Prayer of Adoration and Invocation
    *Psalm of Praise: #100B All People That on Earth Do Dwell
    Scripture Selection #28: Isaiah 53 (p. 1057)
    Westminster Larger Catechism #3-5, p.940
    *Psalm of the Month: #2A Why Do Heathen Nations Rage?
    Congregational Prayer
    *Psalm of Preparation: #119K My Soul for Your Salvation Yearns 
    Scripture Reading: Isaiah 52:1-12
    Sermon:  Your God Reigns (Isaiah 52:1-12)
    *Hymn of Response: #214 Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above

Bulletin Date: 2025-01-12