Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.
*Call to Worship: Psalm 113:1-3*Prayer of Adoration and Invocation*Psalm of Praise: #113B Praise God, O Servants of the LordConfession of Faith: Westminster Confession of Faith XV.1-3 (p. 928)Reading of the Law of God: Deuteronomy 10:12-16Prayer of Confession and RepentanceReading of the Gospel of God: 1 John 1:7-9*Psalm of Assurance: #476 It Is Well with My SoulPrayer of Thanksgiving and SupplicationWorship in Tithes and Offerings*Doxology and Prayer*Hymn of Preparation: #271 Blessed Jesus, at Your WordScripture Reading: Romans 3:1-20Sermon: All Under Sin (Romans 3:9-20)*Hymn of Response: #440 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched*Benediction*Closing Hymn: #562 Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing (st. 2)
Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.
*Call to Worship: Psalm 103:21-22*Prayer of Adoration and Invocation*Hymn of Praise: #239 Praise, My Soul, the King of HeavenScripture Selection #21: Psalm 119:9-16, 97-104 (p. 1055)Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 47, p.894*Psalm of the Month: #61A God, Hear My PrayerCongregational Prayer*Psalm of Preparation: #119N Your Word Sheds Light upon My PathScripture Reading: Isaiah 48:1-22Sermon: Assemble and Listen (Isaiah 48:1-22)*Hymn of Response: #544 Lead On, O King Eternal*Benediction
*Call to Worship: Psalm 113:1-3*Prayer of Adoration and Invocation*Psalm of Praise: #113B Praise God, O Servants of the LordConfession of Faith: Westminster Confession of Faith XV.1-3 (p. 928)Reading of the Law of God: Deuteronomy 10:12-16Prayer of Confession and RepentanceReading of the Gospel of God: 1 John 1:7-9*Psalm of Assurance: #476 It Is Well with My SoulPrayer of Thanksgiving and SupplicationWorship in Tithes and Offerings*Doxology and Prayer*Hymn of Preparation: #271 Blessed Jesus, at Your WordScripture Reading: Romans 3:1-20Sermon: All Under Sin (Romans 3:9-20)*Hymn of Response: #440 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched*Benediction*Closing Hymn: #562 Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing (st. 2)
*Call to Worship: Psalm 103:21-22*Prayer of Adoration and Invocation*Hymn of Praise: #239 Praise, My Soul, the King of HeavenScripture Selection #21: Psalm 119:9-16, 97-104 (p. 1055)Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 47, p.894*Psalm of the Month: #61A God, Hear My PrayerCongregational Prayer*Psalm of Preparation: #119N Your Word Sheds Light upon My PathScripture Reading: Isaiah 48:1-22Sermon: Assemble and Listen (Isaiah 48:1-22)*Hymn of Response: #544 Lead On, O King Eternal*Benediction
Bulletin Date: 2024-11-24